Transformational TOols for
Evolving Souls

I believe in synchronicity, or meaningful coincidences. I don’t think it’s an accident that you found your way here to my little online temple. On a soul-level, you have some unfinished business, some lessons to complete on your evolutionary journey. Maybe for you this is showing up as relationship problems, or unprocessed trauma, or anxiety, or numbing out with food or alcohol. Whatever it is you don’t have to figure it all out alone.
What I have to offer is compassionate support, skillful guidance, and effective tools for Self-empowerment on your journey of deep healing, integration, and spiritual evolution. I do this because we are all interconnected—my liberation is bound up in yours. As you raise the vibration of your own consciousness by clearing your system of outdated, self-limiting beliefs and increasing access to your innate source of creativity, wisdom, and unconditional love, you contribute to the evolution of humanity.

Work with me
1:1 Sessions
1:1 sessions are an opportunity to dive deep into your unique soul intentions for healing and evolution while being held in a steady container of support and love. We will draw guidance from your astrological birth chart, elicit insights and creative solutions from your dreams, and reharmonize your Soular system using the IFS (Internal Family Systems) model.
IFS for Therapists
Therapists and coaches need a place to do their own inner work and we necessarily have high standards! Therapists and coaches make up approximately 50% of my clientele and whether you are a seasoned IFS practitioner or simply IFS-curious I would love to support you in exploring your parts and becoming more Self-led in your work and life.
Dream Sharing Circles
Everybody dreams and most of us disregard our dreams as bizarre nonsense when in reality they are magical portals to inner resources of insight, creativity, wisdom, and healing! Exploring dreams in a supportive community is even more effective and impactful than on your own and can amplify and accelerate your personal growth process.
Online Courses
Online courses are a great way to learn and explore at your own pace. Topics include:
Dream work and yoga nidra mediation
Intuitive collage and creative Self-expression
IFS and parts mapping
Evolutionary astrology

What I Believe
You are Doing it Perfectly
Each one of us is here in these specific bodies with these specific minds and personalities on purpose. The experiences you are having are exactly right for your soul’s evolutionary purposes. You came to earth with specific healing intentions that are unique to you, which means that certain themes and issues that are necessary for you to work through will inevitably show up. Whatever challenges you are facing are opportunities for growth and healing. The fact that you are facing them now means that you are ready to resolve them, if you so choose.
Integration is Everything
We are all engaged in the ancient cosmic dance between expansion/contraction, dark/light, death/life, asleep/awake, etc. As we shift our perspective from duality to polarity and finally to unity we come to experience all of life as a sacred expression of the divine. As we integrate our shadows into the light and our dreams into waking consciousness we experience a greater sense of wholeness, wellbeing, and freedom.
We are Microcosms of the Macrocosm
Everything and everyone is connected. When you heal yourself you contribute to the healing of the planet, the human species, and all living beings. We cannot have peace, harmony and balance on our planet without first creating peace, harmony, and balance within ourselves. Investing in your own healing and spiritual growth is not selfish, it is one of the greatest gifts you can give to others. The ancestors and future generations will thank you.
The World is a Mirror
Sexism, racism, and all other external systems of oppression are the result of splitting and dis-integration in our internal systems. As we bring the feared, despised, rejected, and abandoned parts of ourselves into the light of consciousness we stop projecting our own shadows onto others. Our internal sense of wholeness and harmony is reflected outwards, diversity of all kinds is experienced as vital and beautiful, and we recognize all human beings as equally valuable parts of the collective.
You are a Sovereign Being
At the deepest level no one has power over you. You are responsible for your life and your choices. You have the power to manifest your deepest desires. If you choose to work with me, my role will be to support you in gaining clear access to your own inner wisdom and self-healing capacity so that you can create the life and relationships that feel most aligned with your Soul’s purpose.

“We teach best what we most need to learn”
Hi, I ’m Genevieve
My passion and sacred work in the world is supporting others in healing from trauma and resolving their karma (which are often one and the same) so that they can feel fully embodied and connected to their Self and higher consciousness, and from there, create the life and relationships that are most aligned with their soul’s evolutionary intention.
I have a Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon, and Gemini Ascendant with Mercury in Aquarius. which translates to me being curious, creative, unconventional in how I think about things, and hard-working. I am dedicated to my own growth and evolution am honored to support others on their journeys as well.